Top 10 Ways To Save Money on Your Insurance, TODAY!
October 16, 2019 Michelle Anderson

Top 10 Ways To Save Money on Your Insurance, TODAY!

Posted in Automotive Insurance, General Insurance, Home Insurance

Coupons, discounts, and more! Everyone is always trying to find a way to save money. Did you know there are many different ways to save money on your home and auto insurance? The best way to start is by calling your agent. WAIT!? You don’t know your agent?

Getting an online quote can be one of the reasons why you are missing out on discounts that you qualify for. Call us and ask how you can apply qualifying discounts to your policy and save TODAY.

Top 10 Ways to Save:

1. Your Occupation – Yes, your occupation, college degree, and some certifications can save you money

2. Defensive Driving Course – If you have taken a defensive driving course recently you may qualify for a discount. If not, go take one now! It’s an easy way to add another discount.

3. Bundle Your Policies – You don’t have to own a home to be able to bundle your auto policy. You can add renters insurance to your auto policy and save, too.

4. Home Safety Devices – By installing security systems, fire and carbon dioxide alarms and keeping a fire extinguisher on hand you can save money.

5. Early Shopping Discounts – This means you shop before your renewal date.

6. Save on How You Pay – Paying in full or setting up auto debt is a great time and money saver.

7. Compare and Save – Some companies may not offer many discounts, but offer affordable pricing.

8. Student Drivers with Good Grades– Now is the time to brag about you kids’ academics!

9. Accident Free/No Moving Violations – Save money for 3 or more years of clean driving records

10. Good Credit Scores and Long-Time Customers – If you fall into either of these categories you may be eligible for lower rates!

Keep in mind when shopping for insurance you pay for what you get. You don’t want to be under insured or over insured. Let MC Squared Insurance find you quality carriers with the best rates and coverage for all your assets.


“One important thing to keep in mind is that the key to savings is not necessarily getting discounts, but the final price.”

Loretta L. Worters